We have an eBay store! We use it to sell items that generally do not sell well at our regular sales. This includes DVD sets, antique books, and higher priced items. Check it out.
We look forward to having multi-day sales again at the new location and when health protocols allow. Until then, members continue to have the first opportunity to shop at our appointment-only sales. When we resume multi-day weekend sales, we will again offer a Members ONLY Preview Sale on the Friday evening before. As always, the majority of items will be available for sale at the Preview Sale. Plus, members receive a coupon for a free book. Find membership information here.
Book dealers, teachers and other bulk shoppers are welcome to become members and shop at the Preview Sale. Please read our shopping policy to learn more about shopping in bulk.
We offer 3 sales per year: April, September, and December. Our April and September sales are held over weekends with all our items available. Our December sale is a one day event with a special emphasis on holiday-themed and gift-quality items, although other items will be available as well.
We have tens of thousands of books in good condition, organized by category, for all ages. Additionally, we have DVDs, CDs, games & puzzles, audiobooks, and sheet music! Everything we have for sale has been generously donated by members of the community. Most books are priced at $1.50 or less. Quite a bargain!
We also have a selection of high quality, new or rare books at higher prices.
See our Directions page for location and parking.